Monday, February 16, 2009


Yeah, haven't posted here in a while because the blog is officially dead and I am not playing WoW.. but I figured id give it a post because I'm doing wow-related things.

Its nothing relevant.. I activated my account with a 10 day wotlk trial so I can post on the forums.. Its mostly just me flaming newschool hunters and noob rogues who are saying hunters are op.


Kordwar said...

oh, I'm sure you've seen it but here's one for teh lulz

according to this, you and i as 0/21/40 in BC we were OP as all hell.

DeluksZ said...

You were, are, and will be the best. I quitted playing wow long ago, but till that time, you was The Hunter for me. NOwadays I just feel nostalgic, so I returned here, to find out what are you doing in WoW now (I can remember you started a dwarf am I right?) but sadly a story has ended. An era is closed. For me, long ago, but with you quitting, it is just a bit more... dramatic.