Friday, October 17, 2008


So... after playing both SV and MM for PvP.. I can safely say that I am quite pleased with the result of Chimera Shot.. and that exploding arrow sucks. My usual WS/SS spec.. isn't.. well.. the same. I can tear through people with my MM spec without any problems.. I don't have scattershot, but I do have silencing shot, disengage, and readiness (Which, I hardly ever use..)

Blizzard tried, I'll give em that.. but SV sucks now. *Cry*


Negathle said...

Instant Aimed Shot = Dead Resto Druid

Totally made my day

Amy said...

The loss of aimed shot really hurts in pvp. Perhaps a 0/11/50 survival spec would work better for the moment, lock and load giving triple arcane shots will result in a little faster burst than triple explosive shot where you have to wait else you'll override ticks.

Will be interesting to see what level 80 brings.

Rilgon Arcsinh said...

*resists urge to chant "one of us"*

Bandet said...

It doesn't matter rilgon, because whatever spec I go, I will never be one of you carebears!