Thursday, September 18, 2008

Revealing Blue Post

BM hunters are extremely competitive at PvE on Live. We are trying to get Survival and Marks up to that point. It's harder to to talk abour PvP because we have made so many changes that the problems on Live may not be the same problems of LK. In short, we just need a lot more PvP testing. A lot.

Apparently BM is miles better in PvE than MM or SV. Apparently they are trying to balance it and haven't looked at PvP yet.

Best get cracking blizz.. 2 months to go.


Kordwar said...

"we need alot more pvp testing"

we also need a dev that plays the damn class.

... said...

so they make MM competative by cutting is balls off hair by hair?

Pike said...

Took them this long to figure out? =/